Chip 1996 November
Chip 11-96.iso
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677 lines
* Installation script for the Datapath HarleQuin series Driver Software.
@Name = "Datapath HarleQuin series Driver Software"
@Version = "2.10"
@Subdir = "\\"
@OutDrive = C
@Drive @HarlequinDrive = @OutDrive
@Dir @Harlequin = "\\HQUIN\\"
@Qstring @HarleName = "HarleQuin"
@Qstring @TigaInt = "0x7f"
@Qstring @HarleSerial = "XXXX"
@Qstring @OldDirList = "\\HQUIN \\SHQUIN \\H2000 \\HQUIN8V"
@Dir @OldDir = "\\"
@Integer @Count = 0
@Drive @WDrive = @OutDrive
@Dir @Windows = "\\WINDOWS\\"
@Drive @UstationDrive = @OutDrive
@Dir @Ustation = "\\Ustation\\"
@Dir @MDLApps = "\\Ustation\\mdlapps\\"
@HarleName Driver software
Install Disk
Version @Version
This program allows you to install the TIGA driver software for the
Datapath @HarleName series of graphics accelerator boards.
It also offers the option to install accelerated, high resolution
device drivers for Windows and Microstation. These drivers exploit the
power of the @HarleName's graphics processor in order to run faster.
This program will ask you a number of questions.
Each question has a default answer.
If the default answer is correct, press the ENTER key.
Otherwise, type the answer and then press the ENTER key.
If you make a mistake while typing, press the BACKSPACE key
and then retype the answer.
You may press the [Esc] key at any time to abort the installation.
Note, that if you abort the installation part way through, the whole
installation should be repeated. This is because the selected files
are not copied until the end of the installation.
@GetString @HarleSerial
Please type in the serial number of your @HarleName board.
This may be found on the end of the box or on the board itself.
@Prompt = " @HarleName Serial Number "
@GetOutDrive @HarlequinDrive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
On which disk drive do you wish to install the
@HarleName TIGA software:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive required and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @Harlequin
In which subdirectory on disk @HarlequinDrive: do you wish to install
the @HarleName TIGA software?
@PROMPT = " Which subdirectory? "
@OldDir = @StrToken(@OldDirList, @Count)
>@OldDirList< @Count @OldDir
@If ("@OldDir" == "\\")
@Goto DONE
@If ("@OldDir" != "@Harlequin"
&& @Exists("@HarlequinDrive:\\@OldDir\\tigacd.exe")) /* { */
I have detected an old version of the software in @HarlequinDrive:@OldDir
Do you wish me to delete it?
Use the [Up Arrow] & [Down Arrow] keys to move the bar
to the required response and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 1000 = "Yes"
@Option 1001 = "No"
@If (1000 [= @Option) /* { */
About to DELETE @HarlequinDrive:@OldDir
/* new style directories jic */
/* */
NB - you may need to edit your autoexec.bat file to remove references to
@Else /* }{ */
@Endif /* } */
@Endif /* } */
@Count = @Eval(@Count + 1)
@Drive @HarleyWindowsDrive = @HarlequinDrive
@Dir @HarleyWindows = "@Harlequin\\WINDOWS\\"
@Drive @HarleyUstationDrive = @HarlequinDrive
@Dir @HarleyUstation = "@Harlequin\\Ustation\\"
Use the [Up Arrow] & [Down Arrow] keys to move the bar
to the required response. Press + to select and - to deselect.
Press Y to select all and N to deselect all.
Press the [Enter] key when done.
@Option 10 = "Do you wish to use the @HarleName with Windows?"
@Option 20 = "Do you wish to use the @HarleName with Microstation?"
@If (10 [= @Option) /* ( */
Installation of the @HarleName MS WINDOWS 3.1 drivers
This program will copy the drivers supplied with this disk to
@HarleyWindowsDrive:@HarleyWindows and to the Windows system directory.
IMPORTANT! In order for Windows to function correctly you must install
the new drivers with Windows Setup. This is essential even if you have
already installed an earlier version of the @HarleName Windows driver.
In Windows Setup:
Select a @HarleName driver for the display.
Specify @HarleyWindowsDrive:@HarleyWindows if asked for
the location of the @HarleName Windows drivers.
Please note that the H2000 does not support True Colour modes.
Windows Setup will be run automatically at the end of this installation.
@GetOutDrive @WDrive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
On which disk drive is Windows installed:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive required and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @Windows
In which subdirectory on disk @WDrive: is Windows installed?
@PROMPT = " Which subdirectory? "
/* brackets before ! neccessary !! - mtf 6jul94 */
@If ( (!@Exists("@WDrive:\\@Windows\\system.ini"))
|| (!@Exists("@WDrive:\\@Windows\\setup.exe")) )
I do not believe you - try again.
Do you wish to view the DOC file for the Windows driver?
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the required response and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 622 = "Yes"
@Option 623 = "No"
@Endif /* 10 ) */
@If (20 [= @Option) /* ( */
@TigaInt = "0x60"
Installation of the @HarleName MICROSTATION 4.0 driver
This program will copy the drivers supplied with this disk to
@HarleyUstationDrive:@HarleyUstation and to the Microstation drivers directory.
The BirdsEye view MDL utility is also copied
to your MicroStation MDL applications directory.
To complete the installation:
Change to the Microstation directory.
Select Vendor supplied driver and pick Datapath @HarleName driver.
NOTE: The TIGA environment variable will be set with -i@TigaInt,
so that TIGACD will use interrupt @TigaInt.
@GetOutDrive @UstationDrive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
On which disk drive is Microstation installed:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive required and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @Ustation
In which subdirectory on disk @UstationDrive: is Microstation installed?
@PROMPT = " Which subdirectory? "
@GetSubdir @MDLApps
In which subdirectory on disk @UstationDrive: are your MDL applications installed?
@PROMPT = " Which subdirectory? "
@Endif /* 20 ) */
@Label = "Disk 1 of 1"
@BeginLib hquin.KDC
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\hquin\\*.*
@BeginLib shquin.KDC
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\shquin\\*.*
@BeginLib hmca.KDC
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\hmca\\*.*
@BeginLib h2000.KDC
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\h2000\\*.*
@BeginLib hquin8v.KDC
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\hquin8v\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\tigademo\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\tigatest\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\*.*
@If (10 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.* @Out @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\*.*
@File *.drv @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\system\\*.*
@File *.rlm @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\system\\*.*
@File *.386 @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\system\\*.*
@File *.?gr @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\system\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\*.*
@File HZOOM.EXE @Out @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\*.*
@File HARLEZOM.HLP @Out @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\*.*
@File HQUIN.DLL @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\*.*
@File HSAVE.SCR @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\*.*
@File WIN_AI.DLL @Out @WDrive:\\@Windows\\system\\*.*
@File HZOOM.RLM @Out @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\*.*
@Endif /* 10 ) */
@If (20 [= @Option) /* ( */
@File *.* @Out @HarleyUstationDrive:\\@HarleyUstation\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @UstationDrive:\\@MDLApps\\*.*
@Endif /* 20 ) */
@Verbatim "@@PATH=%PATH%;@HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin"
@Verbatim "CALL @HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin\\TIGA"
@If (10 [= @Option) /* ( */
@If (622 /* view DOC file */ [= @Option)
The next screen shows the HQUIN.DOC file for Windows.
Use the [Up], [Down], [PageUp], [PageDown] keys to read the file,
and press [Esc] to finish.
@Spawn("@InDrive:browse @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\hquin.doc")
@ChDrive @WDrive
@ChDir "@Windows"
@Spawn("@InDrive:winwall HQUIN.BMP")
/* @Copy("@HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\hquin.bmp", "hquin.bmp")*/
/* always create hquin.grp - new addgroup ensures only one - mtf */
/* you always get harlezoom now - but it wont run on h2000 or hquin8v */
@Spawn("@InDrive:mkgroupf hquin.grp \"Datapath @HarleName\" HarleMode @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\HARLEMOD.EXE HarleZoom @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\HZOOM.EXE")
@Spawn("@InDrive:addgroup @WDrive:\\@Windows\\HQUIN.GRP")
@ChDir "@Windows\\system"
@Spawn("@InDrive:newoem HarleQuin @HarleyWindowsDrive:\\@HarleyWindows\\oemsetup.inf")
/*@ChDir "@Windows"
@Spawn("@WDrive:\\@Windows\\setup") - not enuf memory to do this */
@Endif /* 10 ) */
@If (20 [= @Option) /* ( */
@If (@Exists("@UstationDrive:\\@Ustation\\drivers"))
@ChDrive @UstationDrive
@ChDir "@Ustation"
@Copy("@HarleyUstationDrive:\\@HarleyUstation\\*.*", "drivers\\*.*")
Microstation is not installed in @UstationDrive:@Ustation.
You will have to copy the drivers from @HarleyUstationDrive:@HarleyUstation
when you have installed Microstation.
@Endif /* 20 ) */
@ChDrive @HarlequinDrive
@ChDir "@Harlequin"
/* create TIGAENV.BAT */
@Write("tigaenv.bat", "wt",
"\@ECHO OFF\n")
@Write(,, "rem Set environment for tiga\n")
@Write(,, "set HQWINDIR=@WDrive:\\@Windows\n")
@Write(,, "set TIGA=-m@HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin -l@HarlequinDrive:\\@Harlequin -i@TigaInt\n")
@Write(,, "set HQSERIAL=@HarleSerial\n")
/* create TIGA.BAT */
@Write("tiga.bat", "wt",
"\@ECHO OFF\n")
@Write(,, "rem Load TIGA for the @HarleName\n")
@Write(,, "rem Environment\n")
@Write(,, "call TIGAENV\n")
@Write(,, "rem Have a nice fresh cd\n")
@Write(,, "TIGACD -U > NUL\n")
@Write(,, "TIGACD\n")
/* create configuration batch file */
@Delete("hconfig.bat") /* name change - delete in 6months - mtf 29jun94 */
@Delete("hsetup.exe") /* name change - delete in 6months - mtf 29jun94 */
@Write("hsetup.bat", "wt",
"\@ECHO OFF\n")
/*@Write(,, "break off\n") -not needed*/
@Write(,, "rem Configure TIGA for the @HarleName\n")
@Write(,, "rem Working directory\n")
@Write(,, "@HarlequinDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd \\@Harlequin\n")
@Write(,, "rem Environment\n")
@Write(,, "call .\\TIGAENV\n")
@Write(,, "rem Do not need cd\n")
@Write(,, ".\\TIGACD -U > NUL\n")
@Write(,, ".\\!!HSETUP %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6\n")
@Write(,, "rem Reload the cd to compact the memory\n")
@Write(,, ".\\TIGACD -U > NUL\n")
@Write(,, ".\\TIGACD > NUL\n")
/* create installation batch file */
@Delete("instconf.bat") /* name changed 29nov93 - can go in 6mnth */
@Write("1sttime.bat", "wt",
"\@ECHO OFF\n")
/*@Write(,, "break off\n")*/
@Write(,, "rem First time configure TIGA for the @HarleName\n")
@Write(,, "rem Working directory\n")
@Write(,, "@HarlequinDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd \\@Harlequin\n")
@Write(,, "rem Environment\n")
@Write(,, "call .\\TIGAENV\n")
@Write(,, "rem First time harlequin setup\n")
@Write(,, "call .\\!!HFIRST %1\n")
@Cls /* environment cleared so works same if not called from install */
@Write(,, "rem Clear environment\n")
@Write(,, "set HQSERIAL=\n")
@Write(,, "set HQWINDIR=\n")
@Write(,, "set TIGA=\n")
@If (10 [= @Option) /* ( */
@Write(,, "rem Force user to reconfig windows\n")
@Write(,, "@WDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd @Windows\n")
@Write(,, ".\\setup\n")
@Endif /* 10 ) */
@Write(,, "rem Restore working directory\n")
@Write(,, "@BootDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "CD \\\n")
The software installation is now complete. This software will now be
configured for use with your @HarleName. Please consult the manual
for more information.
When this configuration is complete please remove the @HarleName disk
and store it in a safe place, then re-boot your computer.
Your @HarleName is then ready for use.
If you wish, you can run TIGATEST & TIGADEMO to confirm that
everything is working OK.
Thank you for purchasing this Datapath @HarleName.
@ChDrive @HarlequinDrive
@ChDir "@Harlequin"
@Execute "COMMAND.COM", "/E:1536 /C 1STTIME"